
Foot Specialists Munich: ECOM® Excellent Center of Medicine

Our feet carry us through our lives. Often, bad foot positioning is the cause for joint problems in the legs and particularly in the back. Preparation for high tech shoe insoles and inserts begins with medical imaging procedures, such as an MRT, to conduct a foot and gait analysis to rapidly discover and alieve disproportions. Supplementing other treatments, the addition of physical therapy, can contribute to the success. Symptoms and changes in the foot, joints, and the Achilles´ tendon require an operational treatment, which we accomplish with modern techniques.

Consultation and contact information for questions about foot and ankle injuries

Do you have any questions about the treatment of foot and ankle injuries sustained during physical activity and in daily doing? Our specialists, Dr. Erich Rembeck and Dr. Alexander Rauch, will be happy to provide you with more information in an individual and personal appointment. Please make an appointment here. We are looking forward to seeing you.